Ursuline schools exhibit strong belief in and faithfulness to their Ursuline identity and heritage. These hallmarks made an Ursuline institution strong and unique in the past, and certainly continue to do so. 

Ursuline Education Network (UEN) exists to be of service to Ursuline sponsored schools by fostering collaboration among the schools, promoting the preservation and development of the Ursuline charism, and fostering educational excellence, innovation and global connectedness. 

Through a four-step evaluation process, schools can examine and elevate their Ursuline identity.  The purpose of this process serves to strengthen the Ursuline culture and values of the school and for the school community to deepen its commitment to those values. Using the Ursuline Essential Characteristics Document (1998), self study, followed by validation of the self study by a team of assessors, schools identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.  The evaluation process can be done over the course of one or two years, depending on the needs of the school.  Use of the identity assessment program is often done in tandem with launching or completing a long-range strategic plan or when preparing to make significant changes within an institution which may impact its members or the Ursuline mission.

Upon successful completion of the process, UEN will award a plaque to the school, and a letter of affirmation stating that the school is true to St. Angela Merici’s Counsels and Legacy, which form the basis for our Ursuline values and charism. 

With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the living presence of St. Angela among us, this process will be the impetus for Ursuline schools to “continue steadfastly the work they have begun.” (Last Counsel) 

For more information about the UEN Identity Assessment, contact Rosann Whiting, Director at director@ursuline-education.com